Bumping into such luminaries as Dead Prez, director Oliver Stone, guerilla poster artist Robbie Conal, among all those citizens just living day-to-day, the Film Co-op has created a profound record for their time. With a new age of change sweeping into America with 2009, Behind the Wheel is an amazing final summary of the Bush years. It captures with joy and anger the spirit of resistance at a time when the majority of Americans felt disenfranchised from a country and a leader who didn't stand for them.
Enjoy and leave comments. We want to hear from you!
Click here to watch the film in one playlist on youtube. Below are the individual parts. Feel free to share and embed all or individual parts; we want your help promoting the film!
Part 1: Robbie Conal, Francisco Letelier and Oliver Stone. Opening narrated by Olivia Wilde
Part 2: Hualapai Indian Reservation and Santa Fe
Part 3: Santa Fe
Part 4: Oklahoma, Texas, Alexander Cockburn
Part 5: New Orleans
Part 6: New Orleans
Part 7: Atlanta: Home Boys Only, Malachi, Stic.man of Dead Prez
Part 8:Leaving Atlanta, Pierre Sprey of Mapleshade Records, Scott Beibin of the Lost Film Festival
Part 9: New York City/Brooklyn: M1 of Dead Prez

Behind the Wheel by LAFCO & Tao Ruspoli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Congratulations LAFCO, this movie is great.
I leave in Europe, more exactly in Portugal, so the image of USA that I have in my mind is the one showed in the movies, and this USA in this movie is very different from what we see in Hollywood movies. I was not expecting the racism and discrimination that we see in some places that you visited, for example that police officer in Oklahoma (i think...) saying that he thought you were from the porn industry. OMG
Once again, great job!
Excellent, I have been waiting to sit down and watch the whole thing in one go. Can't wait to watch it.
I loved it!
A masterpiece! Im trying not to posting spoilers here but it has politics, art, music, attitude, beeeeautiful photography and its also funny!
congratulations and thanks for showing the reality to the world! Im from Brazil and I didn't knew 1% of what is shown on the movie, now i know a bit more about the true american reality. Its a one lifetime experience.
Oh im sorry about the flood, i forgot to ask something, can i TRy to do the subtitles in portuguese for it? i think its possible for me .. except for some rapping parts Heheh...
Oh, but the vast and popular majority of America believe in and support Bush and Chaney, and in no way support Obama. The Americans are picking all the transoceanic immigrants out of the terrorist woodwork, especially after 9/11.
We tend to forget America is not a democracy, but a military intelligence Republic, as they have been since their inception as The USA and since before Columbus. The figurehead who holds The White House has no political power whatsoever, and is a public representative in image only. The majority of The American population doesn't even vote for these same reasons. They leave voting to the immigrant population. Americans are a spy superpower species that fights its wars HOT, when needed, but always COLD.
It sure would be nice if yuh posted a link where the complete film could be downloaded in one click and not 9 parts.
I've watched the whole. It was exciting, and amazing for me. I wait for make more film to public because i live in Hungary, Europe and i have no chance to get LAFCO-s experiments, and works.
I'm interested in the movie FIX. But i have to wait!
God Work LAFCO crew, the artists around USA, Tao, Wade, everyone!
Attila, from Hungary! (Attila the hun. :$)
Hi! I wanted to congatulate you for your great job. I love the world of phography and Im in it too but just as a hobby. I think its very beautiful beacause you can express your feelings makin one "click" and it doesnt have to be a beautiful photo to everyone, the important thing is that the scene means something important to yourself.
sorry foy my englsh I have to improve it...
greetings from salamanca, spain. (if you want to see another beautiful city visit salamanca)
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